I knew it was going to be a busy long day, and what started off not so good, ended on a decent note and I was out of the office and treading through the snow storm by 6:10pm.
I made note of a few random numbers today...
32 - the number of subway stations I passed through on a daily basis (16 on my way to work, 16 on my way home)
11 - pairs of red Olympic mittens I spotted on my way to work this morning
427 - the number of facebook friends I currently have
2 - the number of blog followers I have (thanks Delena & Steve!)
80 - an estimated number of kleenex's I've used since it started snowing around 11 this morning.
12 - the number of times I checked my email/ facebook/ webpage during the course of work today
3 - the number of ice cream sandwiches pauly brought me home tonight!
26 - the number of inches my amaryllis has grown!
hey, no problem...spread the love right ;)