Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy June 1st Day!

13 years ago I spent 90% of my summer at my grandpa's trailer.  We danced and sang and hung around the camp fire.  I kissed boys I only saw during the summer, ate tons of watermelon, and swam every day.  It was a fantastic summer.

I was 16 and having the time of my life. That summer we had my aunts old video camera and us girls (my sister, and my two cousins) would video tape ourselves dancing around on rainy days to "oldies" music.  We'd laugh and occasionally get into a fight, but it's a summer we will never forget. 

On one particular day that summer my cousin Ange had the video camera and was giving a play-by-play as she video taped around the room.  The camera's date in the corner of the screen said "June 1st".  "Happy June 1st day" she said, and ever since its been our special holiday.  Despite the fact that we've all forgotten since then that the day she saw "June 1st" on the camera wasn't even June 1st it was some random day in July, but we can't remember that random day so we celebrate today. 

Our own specially little holiday to kick of the camping season and a time to remember dancing around, falling off couches, endless laughing and being a kid in the summer. 

This is us at my cousin Sam's wedding a few years ago.  I wish I could find a picture of us from that summer but with all the packing going on around here, that's a lost cause.

Happy June 1st day girls!  Love you!

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